
Enteral Feed Bottle Recycling

Debra macey
Debra macey • 14 February 2024

I am keen to understand how individual Trusts manage the recycling of items such as enteral feed bottles. My network involves creating closed loop solutions in conjunction with Manufacturers of the products, FM and NHS teams, and end processor recyclers. I would appreciate any feedback, to see how much standardisation there is for these items.    

Comments (24)

Shazia Adalat
Shazia Adalat

Hi Debra, we are just starting to look at this in our hospital. I would be interested in learning more about what you have considered as solutions.

Debra macey
Debra macey

Good Morning Shazia, I am happy to pick this up for you. If you can send me a private message with your contact details I can supply further details. Much appreciated.

Emma Vittery
Emma Vittery

Hi Debra and Shazia, our Trust are also hoping to look at this shortly - as well as for other products used in maternity/neonatal/paediatrics particularly as part of a wider project. could we share contact details? I'm at

Joanne Sullivan
Joanne Sullivan

Hi Debra, Shazia and Vittery. Perfect timing! Im part of a project team that is looking at HDPE recycling as well. We have connected with theatres, and maternity to start.
Weve been fortunate to gan some funding through Welsh Gov, and will set up a project where a local social enterprise will pick up the plastics, and transport it to a local business, who will shred and recycle.
We as a Health Board wont be making money on this but the social enterprise and the business will, helping local economy. Can we all connect on a Teams call next week, please?

Debra macey
Debra macey

Good Morning Joanne, Shazoa and Vittery. More than happy to set up a Teams call. I am on leave today but will pick this up first thing Monday. In advance, are you able to detail the supplier and products please so I can review what this looks like Nationally please?

Debra macey
Debra macey

Thank you Guy and Amy, I would be pleased to include you both in any discussions. I have availability over Teams on Thursday the 29th of February if that works for everyone's diary? Appreciate it will be hard to find suitability for everyone.

Amy Guthrie
Amy Guthrie

Thanks, I'm in an all-day event on the 29th but if it's in the morning I might be able to jump out for a little while, so please do share with me.

Debra macey
Debra macey

Good Morning All, Apologies I was on a training course much of last week. I will send an email out now with some suggested dates for next week, given peoples diaries (mine included) may be booked now for the 29th.

Debra macey
Debra macey

Hello again Rachel, I have set up a Teams call with interested parties around this subject on the 6th of March, 12- 12.30pm by way of an introduction. if you would like to join please do send me a private message with your contact details, and I will forward you an invite.

Rachel McLean
Rachel McLean

Hi Joanne,

That's strange - the link is working for me. If you click 'Resources' in the top black panel of the website, and then search "Gloucestershire" in the right hand search bar, the case study should be the 3rd or 4th result titled "SusQI Case Study: Enteral feeding equipment sustainability initiative" - maybe you will be able to open it directly yourself?

Best wishes,

Luise Marino
Luise Marino


We developed a small research project around this - happy to share it with those interested as perhaps we could collaborate and apply for some funding.

Many thanks

Debra macey
Debra macey

Hello Luise, thank you for contributing to this thread. We have a call over Teams next week to discuss the current projects, please do send me an private message with your contact details and I shall add you to the invite list.

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