
Global in more ways than one: Climate Change and Health Professional Education

Robert Woollard
Robert Woollard • 19 March 2018

EVENT:    Wed 21st March 2018      12.30pm - 2pm

Join us for this month’s jam packed webalogue as we put on our strategic thinking hats and look at the question of how we can further ecosystem education across the board. We’ll then delve into the realm of climate change and health professional education. We’ll have a look at sustainability for tomorrow’s graduates and the sustainable education network. Finally, we will examine the integration of climate change in the medical education system by looking at a case study and lessons learned from global health education taking place in India

Our contributors will be: 

*   Presenters:

    •    Dr. Sarah Walpole, Medical doctor, Walikale project, Democratic Republic of Congo, MSF Holland, Honorary Lecturer, Hull York Medical School, UK, Sustainable Healthcare Education Network. Dr. Walpole is a UK trained medical registrar, recently returned from working for Medecins Sans Frontieres in the DRC and a long term active member of the Sustainable Healthcare Education network
    •    Dr. Stefi Barna, Professor of Public Health and Sustainability at Azim Premji University in Bangalore, India, and co-Director of the Sustainable Healthcare Education Network
   *   Moderator: Dr. Robert Woolard, University of British Columbia  

You can REGISTER for this webalogue by clicking HERE(link is external)

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Comments (1)

Sarah  Walpole
Sarah Walpole

Hi Everyone,

Just a note to say that the webinar time in the UK is 7.30pm tomorrow eveining (Wed 21st), the time advertised is in Canada.

There should be an interesting mix of interdisciplinary professionals from around the globe in attendance.

Many thanks and hope to see you there!

Best wishes,


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