
Green Nephrology Survey shows Local Reps active in renal centres

Admin *
Admin * • 16 March 2011

The 2010 survey of Green Nephrology Local Representatives has revealed a range of local action under way, with cross-pollination of ideas from one renal centre to another. The survey identified a need for senior management support within Trusts, and for invest-to-save funding.

The results are available on the Green Nephrology Resources page - in full (although comments have been summarised) and as a single page summary for circulation and display. Also a powerpoint file to use as you wish.

They represent the first full year of the programme. In summary:

  1. There is a lot of support for green nephrology at a local level 
  2. There is a high level of activity and desire to be active 
  3. The main barriers are 
  • time 
  • lack of support at a senior management / Trust or Board level 
  • financial - failure to invest in cost saving initiatives (even where a good ROI has been demonstrated) because of initial start up costs.

Additionally, communications with Local Reps individually suggest that:

  • Activity is spreading beyond renal services in Cornwall, Fife, Bradford and Glasgow for projects with generic application such as waste reduction and e-consultation. 
  • Cost and carbon savings are being demonstrated for individual projects 
  • There is evidence of replication of ideas between regions  

Our focus for the future will be:

  • Supporting local representatives 
  • Consolidate resource development – the website has undergone development and these Network pages now include downloadable resources, educational tools, more case studies, a “getting started” pack and blog facilities. 
  • Find a solution for the time and senior support problem – one idea has been to generate ‘Trust Bursaries’ to fund nursing staff for half a day per week to work on sustainable healthcare.

Thank you again to all the Local Reps for their contributions to the 2010 survey.

Dr Tara Collidge, Green Nephrology Fellow 2010-11


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