
Green Nephrology update Christmas 2011

Frances Mortimer
Frances Mortimer • 19 December 2011

Happy Christmas!  Here's what has been happening across the Green Nephrology Network in 2011


***Launch of online Green Nephrology Network***

This new network enables all members of the Green Nephrology community to post news, resources, questions and comments.  What we need now is for everyone to join in!  Please do visit the site, update your profile and start posting news and questions from your unit - and of course, answers to the posts which are already up here.


Case studies

Case studies from 2011 are producing combined savings of £160,000 and 214 tonnes CO2e / year

  • Zero waste - Fife (update)
  • IV antibiotics bolus vs infusion - Fife
  • IT shutdown - Lanarkshire
  • Upgrade of water treatment plant - Bradford
  • Central acid delivery - Bradford
  • Water reclaim - Stevenage
  • Sustainable action planning - Cornwall (update)
  • Waste management - Glasgow
  • Teledialysis - Highlands
  • Remote monitoring in CKD management - Sheffield

Find these and the pre-existing case studies in the case library at 


    Procurement pilots

    Three renal services have piloted inclusion of sustainability criteria in tender documents for renal supplies and service delivery:

    • South West - HD consumables and home delivery
    • Gloucestershire -  HD service and consumables, home delivery, new satellite unit
    • Derby - hospital HD consumables, home PD supplies 


    Telemedicine meeting

    A joint meeting was held with RSM Nephrology Section in March 2011. "Remote monitoring and telecommunications - safeguarding patients and the environment" explored examples of new and established use of telecommunications in renal care - from electronic referrals to patient-owned health records.  Online archive at…;.


    And finally... many thanks to Tara Collidge (our Green Nephrology Fellow in 2010-11) and to our sponsors: J&J (for their educational grant towards the fellowship), the Renal Association (sponsorship of the Network) and to 10:10 (heat exchangers project). Thanks also to our private donors.


    Best wishes & Happy Christmas!

    Frances & the CSH team


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