Amidst rising fuel costs and the need to address climate change, three Whittington Hospital departments took part in a Green Awareness competition, with the winners receiving prizes donated by climate expert and Whittington clinician, Professor Hugh Montgomery.
Inspired by Whittington Health Green Week and NHS Sustainability Day, Ifor ward, Montuschi ward and Theatre One all won prizes showcasing what they have done to help reduce their carbon footprint.
The judges, deputy chief executive Siobhan Harrington, director of estates and facilities Phil Ient and director of planning and programmes Fiona Smith had the difficult job of choosing a winner with all three areas coming up with interesting ‘green’ initiatives.
The competition was created by Frances Mortimer from the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare, and each ward was invited to a one hour workshop with Frances to understand what they could do in their clinical area to reduce their carbon footprint.
The Theatre One team put together an inspiring presentation, as well as information posters, and have also taken steps to improve the recycling facilities in the theatres. The purpose of the presentation was to inform, educate and inspire others to consider their carbon footprint. Additionally, the team plan to enforce monthly spot checks and three monthly reviews to monitor their progress as a department.
Having won the top prize for the Operating Theatre's efforts Ahmed Chekairi, Consultant Anaesthetist, said he was delighted that his department had managed to increase recycling from 0 - 60 bags because of the competition.
Ifor ward demonstrated their commitment by creating an information board, accessible to staff, patients and visitors alike. Not only did this highlight what the ward was doing to help recycle, the board offered examples of what they may implement in the future, with steps already taken to improve the amount of batteries recycled.
The third winner was Montuschi ward, where they have begun turning down the lights. As an elderly care ward, this is positive for the patients as it creates ‘a more therapeutic environment for the patients.’ Of course, turning the lights down also reduces the amount of energy used and takes advantage of the natural light available on the ward.
The wards were being judged on both the impact of their project, and the approach they have taken. This included issues such as how much carbon they have saved and if there are any additional benefits such as financial savings, improvement to patient care or increased awareness of climate change.
The prizes were generous with the top prize being £500 donated by Prof Hugh Montgomery to spend on any carbon reduction initiative as chosen by the winning team. The successful group also won an energy monitor to pilot how effective they are in helping the hospital understand its energy usage and a mini digital television.
Well done to each team for their efforts, and we look forward to hearing from teams and units throughout Whittington Health that have taken steps to reduce their carbon footprint.
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