Most of you will have seen this article but if not don't miss it- the online responses are well worth a read to..
A particular challenge for budding GP commissioners in the second response- do away with QOF and replace it with targets to promote sustainable living for our patients..seriously..
Make knowing what the local community can offer in terms of places to exercise and ways to meet new people and learn new things obligatory for all trainees/locums undergoing induction at every practice.
Make better use of exercise referral schemes, life skills courses, community voluntary organisations and faith-based groups,
Commission groups for mums with young babies to get to know others, run by the health visitor, which promote exercise, healthy eating, bonding and attachment, etc.
Put posters up about these things and link them with sustainability.
Have the practice call all over 75s to offer them an opportunity to speak to a doctor about making a living will.
Have the courage to undertake 'watchful waiting' for hypertensives determined to change their lifestyles in order to avoid medication..