
Greening the NHS estate: the key to staff wellbeing?

Vicki Brown
Vicki Brown • 26 April 2023

The NHS spends around £2.2 billion per year on agency workers to cover for sick staff. Anxiety, stress and depression are reported to cause a third of all NHS staff absences - the real figure is likely to be much higher. Not all absences are avoidable, but a significant number may be, if we can find ways to positively impact the mental health of NHS staff. 

The links between nature and wellbeing are clear, so can the greening of the NHS estate really have the kind of impact on staff wellbeing that is so desperately needed right now?

We explore the possibilities in our new NHS Forest blog:

Share with us below your experiences of green space in the workplace - and the impact this has had on you and your colleagues.

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