
GreeningSLT - a Case Study on Domiciliary Laryngectomy Care

Susie  Martin
Susie Martin • 13 October 2023

As a network, we're constantly on the look out for case studies, ideas and research which exemplifies how we can make sustainability, in terms of environmental, social and financial sustainability, a reality for our services and patients, whilst improving positive patient outcomes and experiences.

We've recently heard of the excellent work done by colleagues at NELFT (NHS) @NELFTAdultSLT , who shared with us (via X @SLTSusnet) their poster on "one Voice: a Domiciliary Service for People After Laryngectomy". There work has evidenced not only that the care was "feasible, safe, popular and more accessible than hospital-based care", but also that it delivered "cost efficiency savings" "increased accessibility, particularly for disadvantaged groups" and a "positive impact on environnmental indicators". They point out that this particular outcome was a surprise, but one which they suggest could have application to many other outpatient services, typically offered from a single hospital site. 

A fantastic piece of work by NELFT SLT Adult service. 

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