Health Innovation Hub Ireland (HIHI), with the HSE and the Irish College of GPs are launching a national first - GreenTech in Healthcare call. This call is searching for innovative products and services that promote environmental sustainability in both primary and secondary healthcare.
The Irish healthcare sector is responsible for an estimated 5 per cent of the country's Global Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. Additionally, the sector uses a high volume of single use products, adding to resource use and waste.
The call is opened to all companies, organisations, research bodies regardless of size or origin.
The three leading healthcare organisations are searching for innovative products and services that promote environmental sustainability in both primary and secondary healthcare. The national GreenTech in healthcare call is focussed on three key areas:
2. Disposal: Many healthcare items are designed for single use and create a constant stream of waste. The disposal process, whether it involves incineration (which can release harmful emissions and substances) or landfilling (which leads to issues like leachate, soil contamination, and methane emissions), adds to the environmental and health burden.
3. Decontamination: The combination of processes including cleaning, disinfection and sterilisation used to render reusable invasive medical devices safe for handling by staff and for service users. Effective decontamination of reusable invasive medical devices is an essential component in the prevention of healthcare associated infections.
The focus areas are informed by HIHI Clinical Sustainability Advisors (CSA) from across Ireland who work on the frontline and are committed to sustainability in Irish healthcare. These clinical experts have also highlighted a particular need to develop and test alternatives in the following areas:
Syringes/sharps, bottles, packaging, cutlery and crockery, nappies and sanitary products, medical textiles (including surgical gowns, theatre drapes, aprons, masks, hats accessories).
CSAs include: Dr Lisa McNamee, ICGP, Dr Cathy Burke, Cork University Maternity Hospital (CUMH), Dr Ana Rakovac Tallaght University Hospital (TUH) and Michael Duane, University Hospital Galway (UHG).
Through the call, HIHI, HSE and the Irish College of GPs will stimulate and support the development of innovative products and services that promote environmental sustainability in the three focus areas. Health Innovation Hub Ireland, will test and evaluate the winning submissions. HIHI is a joint government initiative of the Department of Health and the Department of Enterprise Trade and Employment, which is delivered through a national HSE and Enterprise Ireland partnership.
The call runs from Oct 7 – November 15. All details, submissions and supporting call briefing doc available on from Monday 7.
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