Happy New Year PsychSusnet members! I hope you have made lots of sustainable new years resolutions!!! The New Year has started well for sustainability in mental health. The RCPsych have agreed to the development of a sustainability policy, the Joint Commissioning Panel have agreed to a sustainability commissioning guide and we are pressing ahead with a mental health sustainability summit that I really hope you can all come along to in London later this year. I hope that sustainability representatives are finding ways they could improve the sustainability and reduce the environmental footprint of their team. The clinical survey is meant to provide you with a good basis for understanding whether your team practices are sustainable or not. If any member needs help with this survey (see attached document for link to survey) then please do let me know. It would be really good to hear from those who have completed the survey, about your experiences of performing the survey and where you think the problem areas are in your team. If you haven't yet started the survey, please have a look at the attached document which will give you more information. I hope that we can present the results of this survey at the sustainability summit meeting later this year so it would be great to have as many in as possible. If you would like to get involved in a sustainable project then let me know, or post on the network to see what ideas are out there...Happy New Year to you all and I wish you a very sustainable year in your work and personal life! Daniel
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