
Health Care Without Harm Plastics Treaty Open Letter

Nuala Hampson
Nuala Hampson • 16 April 2024

Over 600 medical and public health experts, individuals and organisations representing the interests of millions of health professionals worldwide have united to advocate for ending plastics pollution by signing a Plastics Treaty Open Letter. You and other medical and health professionals can lend your voice and support our mission to combat plastic pollution by adding your signature before 20 April 2024.

Your support is invaluable in our efforts to emphasise the urgent need to move away from single-use and toxic plastics, promote innovation, and ensure no exceptions are made in the healthcare sector. Join our global effort by signing the Open Letter now and sharing it with other medical and health professionals like you so that together, we can contribute to the solution.

Health Care Without Harm will present the Plastics Treaty Open Letter in Ottawa, Canada, later this month at the fourth meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC), during the deliberations for an international legally binding agreement upon which all nations are to agree to end plastic pollution, led by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).

Comments (1)

Chris Birch
Chris Birch

Signed. Working on a project looking at the impact of aerosolled microplastics on health at the moment. What I am discovering makes this open letter all the more important.

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