
The importance of a book

Frances Mortimer
Frances Mortimer • 15 October 2009

Last week saw the launch of the first book knitting together the two fields of sustainable development and health care.

Each chapter of the Health Practitioner's Guide to Climate Change has been written by an expert in their area, from a met office climate scientist to leading public health researchers, the director of the NHS Sustainable Development Unit and several other distinguished authors.

The book is divided into two. It begins with a concise information section on climate change, the impacts on health, and the huge opportunities to build a healthier society through tackling emissions. Fully informed, the reader moves on in part 2 to focus on action: what can health practitioners do - at home, at work and in their organizations, and how can they support action in communities, nationally and globally.

The launch event took place on a Wednesday on London's south bank. It was an inspiring evening, packed out with people from across the spectrum of health practitioners - medical students, hospital consultants, public health specialists, NGOs, academics, representatives from several government departments, not forgetting Ben and Tamara, our occupational therapists. (They were noted by many as some of the most enthusiastic participants - already planning their own book as a sequel!).

There was an evident feeling of pride among the authors at having published the first book in this important field.  But at the same time, everyone could sense a serious note in the room: the climate crisis is gaining momentum, it is an enormous threat, and many of our colleagues have not yet begun to understand it. 

The Guide and its launch have made me realise how important books are in developing and providing focus to a new discipline. It's certainly going to be a useful resource in my work with medical students and other health practitioner trainees over the coming months.


The Health Practitioner's Guide to Climate Change - Diagnosis and Cure

Published Earthscan 2009. Edited By Jenny Griffiths, Mala Rao, Fiona Adshead and Allison Thorpe
with Foreword by Dr. R.K. Pachauri

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