
Improving Sustainability in Simulation/Skills Education

emma hansford
emma hansford • 30 June 2023


I am a 2nd year adult nursing student, currently on placement within QAPL (Quality Assurance Practice Learning).  I am working within sustainability in healthcare, and focusing specifically on improving sustainability in simulation rooms and clinical skills education.

I wondered if there was anyone also within educational settings working on a similar project, and if you have found any interesting information or ways that you have improved sustainability in your settings.

Many thanks


Comments (6)

Karen Hartley
Karen Hartley

Hi Emma, I'm really interested in improving sustainability in healthcare education generally as well as in the areas you mention. I'm particularly interested in those who mobile teach, particularly in community and primary care providers and the impact of not only carrying everything but needing to utilize traditional tools such as flip chart rather than smart boards/white boards etc. We tried sheets of wipe clean paper for a while but they didn't last and weren't recyclable so we felt the benefit was lost. I will follow this thread with interest. Thanks for posting.

System Head of Workforce Education
NHS Sussex ICB

emma hansford
emma hansford

Hi Karen
Thank you for your reply. I hope the thread gets some information/ideas that might be of use to you for mobile teaching. I am working on a video for sustainability in healthcare, where I am a community nurse on a visit, it is for reducing glove usage, I hope it is successful when finished.
Many thanks

Kristine Damberg
Kristine Damberg

Hi Emma, I also work in simulation and am keen to make sustainability part of our work. The changes we have made so far are:

1. Make the health impacts of climate change part of our teaching either when introducing human factors/systems concept or in scenarios. Asthma exacerbation caused by air pollution. Cardiac event during heat wave. Our teaching is learner lead so it is not always these conversations happen.
2. Catering. Jugs of water and glasses instead of bottles. China cups. Non-dairy milk.
3. Encourage public transport/active travel in pre-course emails.
4. Re-use consumables. We do not buy medical equipment/consumables but get a steady supply of out of date stuff from the wards.

We are a small department but we hope this sends a message that sustainability is a priority.

I am very keen to make further changes and would love to hear what other departments are doing.

emma hansford
emma hansford

Hi Kristine,
Thank you for your reply. I do like your idea regarding, having out of date supplies from the hospital, and I am going to ask at my university to see if this is something they do or would consider, as I imagine from my hospital placements there is quite a bit of out of date equipment.
Kind regards

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