
Launch of the NHS SDU's Carbon Reduction Strategy

Ingeborg Steinbach
Ingeborg Steinbach • 2 February 2009

The Carbon Reduction Stragtegy 'Saving Carbon, Improving Health', developed by the Sustainable Development Unit (SDU) of the NHS was launched last Tuesday, 27th January 2009 by the NHS Chief Executive David Nicholson CBE.

The draft of the strategy had been published at the end of May 2008, allowing a consultation period of 4 months. 66% of NHS organisations responded, with 95% declaring strong support for the NHS to take a lead role in the sustainable development agenda and 78% thinking that monitoring and management of carbon reduction should be part of the NHS' core business. However, 65% of respondents felt that the measures proposed in the strategy are not ambitious enough.  In response to the consultation the strategy has been amended.

'Saving Carbon, Improving Health' sets out to support changes in the NHS necessary for a low carbon future. It provides background information on the NHS' carbon footprints, defines areas of change and proposes key actions to be implemented by every NHS organisation. The suggested areas of change are: Energy and carbon management, procurement and food, travel and transport, water, waste, designing the built environment, organisational and workforce development, role of partnerships and networks, governance, finance and looking ahead: preparing for the future.

Complementing the strategy the SDU has published expanded chapters for each area on their website. The chapters contain additional information on background, relevant guidelines and frameworks and propose further carbon reduction actions.



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