
Launched! Sustainable Action Planning for clinical teams

Frances Mortimer
Frances Mortimer • 28 May 2010

SAP is a new programme to support clinical teams in taking action for sustainability. Structured around two facilitated workshops, SAP helps front-line staff to learn about sustainable healthcare, focus in on their priorities and put together a green action plan. The action plan can then be adopted into the team’s routine management processes, becoming the framework for ongoing sustainability improvements.

The NHS is working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which cause climate change.  But many opportunities can only be found at ward or department level: the Trust Board can decide a hospital’s electricity supply, but clinical teams determine how that electricity is used; the Estates manager has control over parking facilities, but clinical teams determine how many patient journeys are needed.

In working together through SAP, clinical teams are empowered to explore opportunities for improvements in their service and come up with solutions.  They develop a culture that is proud of providing the best care possible, promising “we’ll do it better tomorrow, and better still the day after.”

The programme was piloted in Cornwall, where the RCHT kidney unit saved an estimated 33 tonnes CO2 (as well as £32,000) in one year.

With the launch of the new SAP website, all the SAP resources can now be accessed free online. Please try them out and send us your feedback - and your case studies! 





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