
MSc Dissertation Survey - Awareness of climate change policy in the NHS

Jake Parnian
Jake Parnian • 14 June 2022

My name is Dr Jake Parnian and I am a London-based SHO studying for an MSc in Climate Change. My dissertation project is on the awareness of climate change policy in the NHS, the perceived effectiveness of current  strategies, and what organisational level sustainable practice should be introduced at. 

I would be extremely grateful if any UK-based doctors and healthcare professionals have the time to fill out my survey linked below. It involves a mixture of Likert scale and short free-text responses. The data will be collected anonymously via Googleforms, and should take approximately 7 minutes to complete. For more information, please see the word document linked.


(please paste into browser)


The final question is regarding a 15-20 minute  telephone interview to futher explore how to implement effective climate change policy in the NHS. This asks anyone willing to participate who has been involved with or exposed to sustainable healthcare policy to leave their email address, and is completely voluntary.  

Kind regards

Dr Jake Parnian 



Comments (1)

Kate Townsend
Kate Townsend

Hi Jake, 

I work for the South East Greener NHS team and would be happy to help promote this if at all useful :) do you have a deadline for people to complete the survey? I am not a healthcare professional, but would happy to help if I can. My email address is - feel free to contact if you'd like to discuss a bit more (I'd be interested to hear about it!)




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