
Nature connection/green in hospital?

Emma Vittery
Emma Vittery • 7 March 2024

Hi everyone, I'm doing a partnership with a wildlife trust aiming to facilitate nature connection activities (? butterfly hatching, seed planting, nature based mindfulness etc...) and environmental campaigns with young people in hospital. Is anyone else doing anything similar or know of previous work like this bringing the outside in? thanks :)

Comments (5)

James Farrell
James Farrell

Sounds good Emma! The Human Nature Partnership has done feasibility work for KMPT and ELFT on this - yet to get to implementation however. Some staff at KMPT have however done small scale projects - worth contacting their estates and sustainability team for more info? Or give me a shout via the HNP website. James

Alexis Percival
Alexis Percival

Hi Emma, feel free to drop me a line - We are working on a national programme to look at biodiversity, natural capital and green social prescribing and how it fits in to the NHS. We are also looking for a 30 by 30 impact increase in biodiversity on our estate. Loads of projects going on across the UK and I am happy to link you in with others.

Jacqueline Cutting
Jacqueline Cutting

Hi Emma - two things spring to mind. First of all, CSH runs the NHS Forest which runs a Ranger programme - more info plus a youtube video here: . Actually, probably worth checking the NH Forest website overall! Secondly, we hosted an intern who set up a nature indoors scheme at a care home a couple of years ago, more here:… .

Emma Vittery
Emma Vittery

Emma Vittery I probably didn't explain it well but the idea is to do nature connection for children whilst in hospital, as opposed to outside in garden / green spaces!

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