
Net zero primary care survey – your participation is needed!

Raquel Nunes
Raquel Nunes • 11 December 2023

We are the research team of the GPNET-0 Study funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) at the University of Warwick, Warwick Medical School, investigating carbon reduction actions in general practice.


Our study is endorsed by Birmingham and Solihull ICB, Coventry and Warwickshire ICB and South Yorkshire ICB and we are looking for responses from all general practices and staff within the ICB. Our survey is live now until Christmas.


We have the following incentives for completing the survey:

- For each practice that returns one or more surveys, 1 tree shall be planted by NHS forest.

- 1 of 5 £50 prize draw.

- A certificate of participation for practices to acknowledge participation in the survey.


Can you please take 5-minutes to respond? Can you also share the survey information and survey link with your team and encourage their participation?


Thank you very much in advance.


Kind regards,

GPNET-0 Study research team

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