
The NHS Forest Tree Sponsorship Scheme hits 100 Sites

Ingeborg Steinbach
Ingeborg Steinbach • 7 February 2012

On the 24th January the NHS Forest launched the Tree Sponsorship Scheme at Guy's Hospital in London. Sponsoring a tree for your preferred hospital means that you can say thank you, celebrate a birth or remember someone's life through the giving of a tree. There are over 100 hospitals supporting the scheme, all of which are very keen to plant a significant number of trees. The wonderful aspect to running the scheme is that everyone sees the benefit, everyone wants to be involved and everyone wants to make it a huge success.

To help support the 100+ sites we have an advert in the Green Magazine in The Guardian newspaper at the end of February. We are also partnering with Climate Week and the NHS Sustainability Day during March to raise awareness of the NHS Forest project. The partnership with Climate Week is being announced at the NHS Sustainable Development Conference on 14th Feb Valentine's Day, surely a sign that this is a match made in heaven.

Aside from the NHS sites we are very keen to involve as many organisations and businesses as possible, please do get in touch if you would like to be part of the NHS Forest. There are a number of ways to be involved from recycling old mobile phones through to sponsoring trees and providing volunteers to plant them.

Here's to hitting 150 sites and 10,000 trees before the end of March!  


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