
Opportunity for Practice Staff to take part in a brief 5-minute online survey about how their practice is (or isn’t) taking actions towards a Net Zero NHS.

Raquel Nunes
Raquel Nunes • 15 November 2023

Opportunity for Practice Staff in Coventry and Warwickshire ICB,

Birmingham and Solihull ICB, and South Yorkshire ICB to take part

in a brief 5-minute online survey about how their practice is (or

isn’t) taking actions towards a Net Zero NHS.


Climate change poses an immediate, growing threat to health. Action is needed across the

health service if the NHS is to achieve its ‘Net Zero’ goal by 2040.

The GPNET-0 Study, funded by the funded by the National Institute for Health and Care

Research (NIHR), is investigating how general practice is implementing decarbonisation

actions to make recommendations on how to accelerate their implementation and


If you work in a general practice in Coventry and Warwickshire ICB, Birmingham and

Solihull ICB, and South Yorkshire ICB, please consider completing a brief 5-minute

online survey.

The research team want to hear your views, whether your general practice is or isn’t

currently taking actions to decarbonise at present. They are keen to receive responses from

a range of staff groups within your practice. Please ask your colleagues to participate.

The study has the support of Coventry and Warwickshire ICB, Birmingham and Solihull ICB,

and South Yorkshire ICB and has received HRA and Health and Care Research Wales

(RCRW) Approval (REC reference: 23/PR/1169).


Why take part?

There are other benefits from taking part:

      • One tree will be planted for each practice that provides one or more responses

(through NHS Forest)

      • By completing the survey, you can opt into a prize draw with the chance to win

one of five £50 vouchers.

       • Your practice can opt into receiving a Certificate of Participation, in

recognition of support of the GPNET-0 Study and the tree that will be planted on

behalf of the practice.

Sign up to be added to the GPNET-0 Study’s mailing list, to receive bi-monthly newsletters on

study progression.

The GPNET-0 Study Survey

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