
Parliament to vote on 10:10

Site Administrator Agile
Site Administrator Agile • 19 October 2009

There's going to be an important vote on climate change in parliament this Wednesday. MPs are voting on whether or not the House of Commons and the whole of government should join the 10:10 climate change campaign. This would commit the government (including the Department of Health) to cutting their own emissions by 10% next year.

If we win Wednesday's vote, it'll be a massive boost in the fight against climate change. So today we need to pile on the pressure for them to vote the right way.

It only takes 2 minutes to contact your MP, please email them now:

We know that thousands of us contacting our MPs at the right moment works on this issue. Just a few weeks ago, thousands asked MPs to join 10:10 themselves, and now nearly 200 have done so. We can have the same impact this time in the run up to Wednesday's vote.

The next few weeks are critical for tackling climate change. Life and death decisions about the future of our planet will be taken at global talks in Copenhagen this December. We need the UK government to go to Copenhagen in a good position to secure a strong and fair deal. Practicing what we preach at home is crucial to promoting strong international action. The right result on Wednesday would push the government to do more to cut our emissions, and send positive ripples around the world at this crucial time.

There are nearly 50 councils already signed up to 10:10, with more joining all the time. So if local government can do it, then why not central government?

Please ask your MP to vote the right way this Wednesday:

The Campaign for Greener Healthcare is coordinating 10:10 Health: encouraging healthcare organisations and individuals to commit to 10:10. You can find more information and resources for 10:10 Health at


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