
Power saving in IT

Sarah  Sheard
Sarah Sheard • 27 March 2023

I've been party to a few discussions lately with people interested in exploring power saving software.  The IT department at our trust has installed a programme which monitors PC usage patterns and then remotely switches them off during periods of inactivity (i.e. nights and weekends).  This allows them to power up again remotely for software updates, which was one of the main reasons we were told never to switch off at the end of the day.  We were particularly keen to support this in radiology as we have such large rooms full of workstations generating heat which then requires air conditioning.  The benefits in terms of carbon and cost savings are enormous.  Please speak to your IT department as they are probably aware these exist, or even thinking of installing one.  Radiology is well-placed to encourage and offer to help with any pilots!


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