
Preventing Entonox leaks in the maternity department

Alice Clack
Alice Clack • 23 November 2023

I just attended a really inspiring session organised by the Welsh Green Anaesthetics Network which included a presentation about the work being down at Cardiff and Vale UHB to reduce Entonox use via tacking leaks. Like Hull they have dramatically reduced use int he maternity department by undertaking some fairly simple measures. It would be great to have a few of us in this network start work to replicate these projects?

Comments (7)

Maddie de Vicq
Maddie de Vicq

Hi Alice - really interested in this
Trying to secure funding in Bristol at the moment for a central destruction unit (big cracker) but none of that make sense if we don't sort out the leaking at the same time!
Do you have a contact at Cardiff and Vale?

Alice Clack
Alice Clack

Amy - am going to have a go at rolling out your poster(or an adapted version) in my unit too ... did you manage to collect your baseline usage data before promoting this change? I understand in our unit that we also have no way of assessing whether manifold cylinders are empyting and therefore a lot are returned partially filled adding to our wastage... anyone know what is happening in your units and how the gas level in the manifolds is monitored?

Amy Manning
Amy Manning

Alice - the baseline data I have from N2Ovember is a 5% saving in the amount of entonox we used, awaiting the December data to confirm ongoing savings.
I got the number of cylinders orders for each month from pharmacy.
Yes, cyclinders are sent back with gas still in and it's vented to the atmosphere by BOC. I have asked about this before, I will check with estates at the RVI.

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