If you know of anybody who has any influence over NHS carparks or car parking policies please bring this article to their attention. There's a potential win win for cleaner air and lower carbon transport in the UK.
In general practice we know that around 2/3 of patients don't need a face to face with their own GP. With askmyGP, we're making that normal and with around 40,000 episodes per week, patients are saving about 25,000 visits to their surgery, many of which would have been by car. And only 1% of UK GP is covered so far - there is huge potential here.
In general practice we know that around 2/3 of patients don't need a face to face with their own GP. With askmyGP, we're making that normal and with around 40,000 episodes per week, patients are saving about 25,000 visits to their surgery, many of which would have been by car. And only 1% of UK GP is covered so far - there is huge potential here.
Have forwarded this to a local health co-ordinator and electric vehicles advocate in my area (Telford)
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