
publications on QALY + environmental impact + costs?

Melissa  Pegg
Melissa Pegg • 22 May 2024

Dear Colleagues, 

Has anyone come across any publications that evaluate (all of these outcomes) QALYs + environmental assessment + financial costs of any health technologies including pharmaceuticals, medical devices, public health interventions or digital health technologies?

If so, please can you kindly share the resource location?

Many thanks in anticipation of your help

Kind regards


Comments (7)

Melissa  Pegg
Melissa Pegg

Many thanks Paul, this is fantastic! I am a big fan of using DALYs and think we should be going down the route of using them more for HTA rather than QALYs...we have more evidence and resource for this outcome rather than having to use a lot more resources to quantify QALYs for health technologies. We already have the technology to get on with quantifying human health impact of technologies and need to get on with framework development in HTA. Many thanks again for sharing. Kind regards, Mel

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