
Query - Easy Read Recipe Books for Care Farm students

Louise Weissel
Louise Weissel • 13 October 2023

Hi all, 

I have a request by Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, for recommendations of children's/ easy-read 'healthy recipe books' for students at their Care Farms.  The students are aged 5-19 yrs. I understand  "many have diagnoses based around mental health, or are diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA), and Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), whilst others have experienced childhood trauma. Many of our students fall under the category of additional needs referred to as Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH).

Can you recommend any recipe books which may be easy to follow (I imagine large-print, with pictures), which are healthy and sustainable?

Please email me at:  if you have any good suggestions!


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