
RCPCH resources

Alison Firth
Alison Firth • 18 March 2022

Hi all, just checking in to share some resources on the RCPCH website. We've recently added some new resources to our "climate change resources for healthcare professionals" page, including a TED talk from Rosamund Adoo-Kissi-Debrah where she she speaks openly and honestly about the tragedy of air pollution that she experienced first-hand when she lost her young daughter.

On our website you can also see our action plan, which sets out the ambitions for our climate change work.

And finally, if you want to catch up on what happened at COP26, you can listen to our podcast

Comments (3)

Stacey Harris
Stacey Harris

There are so mnay resources adding up now. Which other resources do people feel they need to help support them in sustainable paediatrics?

Alison Firth
Alison Firth

Thanks Rosie, my last count was around 80 members, but we are in the process of refreshing the groups as we have a waiting list of new people wanting to join us, so watch this space for an increase! 

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