
A reading suggestion

Ka Yan Hess
Ka Yan Hess • 27 March 2023

A reading suggestion...

I was at a talk titled 'linking planetary and human health' by Prof Tony Capon, hosted by Trinity college Dublin last week. 

Prof. Capon raised an interesting point about the relationship of human activity with climate change and that is to see human's culture as a force of nature that has led to the current Anthropocene epoch (i.e. a point in time when mankind has changed the planet's system in way that we would have left a mark on the fossil records if we look back in the future). 

I believe that this is a hopeful way to view our climate changing world as it puts us in nature and part of it. A book was suggested from the talk of which I wanted to share with you here. It is 'The biology of civilisation: understanding human culture as a force in nature' by Stephen Boyden

Love to hear your thoughts if you have read it.
Ka Yan

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