
Reducing unnecessary blood tests in the ED

Frances Balmer
Frances Balmer • 1 June 2023

Comments (5)

Eleanor Murray
Eleanor Murray

Looking forward to hearing about this!
We just did the same with glucose testing - removed it from an order set with 800 kg CO2e saved per per - I'll upload the report to the case study section

Frances Balmer
Frances Balmer

Thank you - would love to read it.
Yes it's incredible how much testing adds up, and how many tests we send out of habit or "just in case". It's led to some very interesting conversations on the shop floor.

Katherine Taylor
Katherine Taylor

This looks like a great project; so important for the health of our patients, staff and resources (and carbon) management to reduce unnecessary low value investigations and overmedicalisation. We're looking into quaternary prevention SusQI projects and would love to hear more about this (sorry can't make the conference tomorrow) - do you have a report/case study available to read at all?

Frances Balmer
Frances Balmer

Hi Katherine. Thank you for your comments. The case report is not written up yet (as the project is still on-going) but happy to forward it to you once it is.

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