
Reuseable vs disposable cups

Emma Carver
Emma Carver • 30 October 2023

Hi, does anyone have any links to resources comparing the financial cost of reuseable to disposbale cups (taking into account washing and disposal of each)? I'm sure  reuseable is more cost-effective in the long run but ideally need some figures to enable purchase of a dishwasher.  

Any data or expereiences gratefully recieved 


Comments (6)

Matthew Sawyer
Matthew Sawyer

Worth reading How Bad Are Bananas? by Mike Berners Lee. P 65 in my copy says 'add 110g per disposible cup' when talking about hot drinks (but a large latte is 550g - of which 450+g is from the cows milk as a black coffee is 50-90g). Dishwashers are also mentioned 'a top efficiency modern dishwasher is better than handwashing' - and most of the impact is from heating the water (so cooler is better)

Richard Merchant
Richard Merchant

Some years ago I read a Scandinavian study that looked at styrofoam cups vs permanent cup with washing. For single use - ie. washing your cup each time, the styrofoam was environmentally cheaper given the downsides of water and soap. If you don't wash your permanent cup each time then after a second use it is better. I don't know the impact of simply rinsing with hot water etc... I'm sure paper would be worse than styrofoam - albeit I have no evidence for this - as I know that a single sytrofoam cup uses very very little oil to make it but paper itself is 'expensive' environmentally, and most cups are coated with something too.....

Emma Carver
Emma Carver

Thanks All. I can find some different sources re: environmental benefits and carbon footprints but what I can't find is anything on the financial side - I feel sure it must be cheaper to go reuseable but can't find the data to present to our department (ED ) to persuade them we need a dishwasher to wash patient cups!
Any advances?

Laura-Jane Smith
Laura-Jane Smith

Can't you find the cost of reusable cups and the cost of disposable cups in the NHS procurement catalogue? Then can work out how many reusable = disposable. Would need to include costs of washing reusable and waste disposal of others. Can you get help from a manager and the waste team?

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