I'm supervising a 3rd year Medical Engineering student who's conducting a project looking at the waste and sustainability aspects of moving from blue sterilisation tray wrap to enclosed containers.
We're looking for information and case studies to inform this. As I understand it, no Health Boards in Wales are using containers, but a substantial number of English Trusts are.
I'm an academic/researcher and not involved in any clinical services, so my knowledge on the topic is limited. The student only has a couple of months to conduct their project, so quick responses would be very gratefully received.
Could you tell us what the current situation is at your organisation regarding these technologies? Can you provide any broader advice or information? Do you know of any published evaluations or reports in the grey literature? Is there any other professional network or organisation that would enable us to access many sterile services quickly, for example to distribute a survey?
Thanks for reading.
Sue Peirce
CEDAR Researcher, Cardiff and Vale UHB /Cardiff University
Yes, seen that one thanks. S