
Storage for reusable equipment

Sara Lightowlers
Sara Lightowlers • 10 January 2025

Hi all,

I'm trying to introduce some reusable theatre items - drapes etc. But lack of storage space is making this impossible (PFI hospital with not enough storage in theatres generally, no scope to increase geographical footprint). Has anyone come across any innovate storage solutions that might get around this roadblock?



Comments (2)

Gerard Sheehan
Gerard Sheehan

Hi Sara,
I saw your question a few days ago and disappointed that you haven't had a response yet. It is frustrating that cost-cutting at the design stage means perpetual cost for storage or labour in use. You will always be borrowing space from one resource to create another.
I set up a unit in Oxford that used something similar to the attached photo. I believe that they have something similar in Bournemouth.
Good Luck,

Sara Lightowlers
Sara Lightowlers

Hey Gerard, thanks very much for getting back to me. This is interesting, I will look into whether something along these lines could be helpful. Sara

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