
SusQI case study - “Streamlining enteral feeding equipment”

Alice Clack
Alice Clack • 7 August 2023

Please watch and share the following short presentation delivered by Angela Hayes, Clinical nurse specialist in palliative and specialist supportive care at The Christie NHS Foundation Trust Palliative Care, at our recent SusQI showcase event.

"Photobiomodulation therapy to prevent oral mucositis" 

Talk Synopsis:

  • Mucositis is a common condition in patients following chemotherapy and radiotherapy, causing severe pain and often requiring hospital admission and NG feeding. 

  • Photobiomodulation involves treating patients at the time of radiotherapy to prevent mucositis. The treatment has NICE approval and patients can be taught to self-treat. 

  • This project split 22 patients into a control and treatment group, with the treatment group, utilising PBM alongside radiotherapy. 

  • Overall, the study found reduced hospital bed days, reduced analgesia requirements, cost savings, carbon reductions, improved quality of life, quicker recovery and increased patient empowerment in the treatment group. 

  • In the future, the team hopes to purchase more devices and integrate PBM into standard treatment protocols. 

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