
SusQI showcase recordings

Catherine Richards
Catherine Richards • 15 August 2023

Dear all, 

I hope you're all well and enjoying the summer holidays!

I have a few short videos I’d like to share with you from the SusQI Showcase that took place earlier this summer.

In the first 2 videos we hear from organisations who are integrating sustainability into their existing QI approaches.

The first features one of our Academy members - David Maxwell, Professional Lead at NHS Education for Scotland. The QI team have a remit for providing quality improvement training to a wide range of services including health care, social care and other public services. David and the team have been doing a huge amount of work to integrate sustainability principles and tools into their existing platforms and teaching, supporting staff in undertaking sustainability work and ensuring that sustainability is considered in all improvement. Watch here…

SusQI Showcase: Integrating sustainability into Quality Improvement Education in Scotland - YouTube

The second features Iain Bestford, Project Director at Newcastle Improvement Team. In June 2019 Newcastle NHS Hospitals Trust was the first healthcare organisation in the world to declare a climate emergency. Part of this strategy is to increase the proportion of QI projects that include sustainability metrics in their outcome measurement. To support this Newcastle Improvement have worked with CSH to review existing materials and implement a strategy to integrate Sustainability into their QI education. Feedback indicates that staff feel empowered to highlight project ideas that focus on sustainability, and that the new approach has expanded the reach of traditional QI projects.

SusQI Showcase: Integrating SusQI at Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - YouTube

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