
Sustainability In Healthcare

Hadyn Oliver
Hadyn Oliver • 7 March 2022

Good morning all!

I wanted to reach out and see what everyone's thoughts are. 

Obviously the NHS have a plan to become Net-Zero but how are they doing this currently? Is there anyone who i can get in touch with to see what they are doing to become more sustainable. 

I appreciate any responses!

Thank you

Hadyn Oliver

Comments (4)

Shiwei Ooi
Shiwei Ooi

Hi Hadyn,

Is there an area you're looking to look into in particular?

If you're thinking tertiary hospitals - if you look on your trust's website there may be a 'Green plan' which outlines their goals they're looking to achieve. Some trusts also have their own twitter page on sustainability where they might post updates on what they've been doing (manchester,

I hope this helps!


Final year medic @ Leeds

Kate Townsend
Kate Townsend

Hi Hadyn,

The NHS has a Net Zero national team, as well as Net Zero regional teams in place (in most regions). All trusts and ICSs are procuding green plans, and there are other priorities and projects taking place. 

I work within the Greener programme for the SE region. Happy to chat more about what's going on, or try and link you to someone specific if you were searching for more information on something specific.

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