
Sustainable labs questionnaire - please help?

Melissa  Pegg
Melissa Pegg • 31 August 2023

Dear Colleagues,

The Royal Society of Chemistry are keen to ensure that we are playing our part in helping laboratories to be more sustainable. To achieve this, it is important for us to hear from people with a connection to the lab. We would like your views, particularly if you work in or with a lab. This survey aims to touch base with you on the topic of sustainability.

The survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. Here is the link: 11375 The Royal Society of Chemistry ( You’ll be asked about:

  • how the RSC can support you in making your lab more sustainable
  • what your ideal training package on the topic of sustainability might look like

Take the survey by 15 September and please feel free to share these details and link with anyone that might be interested in completing the survey.


Your feedback is immensely valuable to us. We will use your responses to help shape our future resources for sustainable labs, so that we can make sure that we’re providing you with the support your lab needs.

Many thanks

Kind regards


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