
Sustainable Nutrition - Pharmacy Setting

Gizem Acar
Gizem Acar • 28 April 2023


I'm a dietitian, and I'm very interested to learn if any pharmacy professionals in this network, including pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, are interested in learning more about nutrition advice - sustainable diets- incorporating sustainability in their routine practice. 

If yes, I would love to learn more about your ideas and needs. I'll design a toolkit for pharmacists to address sustainable nutrition/diets and diet-related NCDs.

Best wishes,

Gizem Acar

UCL School of Pharmacy

Comments (1)

Garry McDonald
Garry McDonald

Might be a good idea to approach pharmacies that have a number of nursing homes supplied. This will be an added and enhanced service they could offer.

As for enteral feeds and GF and energy drinks, pharmacists will supply what is on the GP/FP10

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