
Switching all paper to recycled

Eleanor Murray
Eleanor Murray • 20 May 2023

Currently our printer paper is recycled, but most other paper is virgin. Procurement have stated that they can switch all paper ordered to recycled equivalents, and yet I am getting this response from Management:

"unable to go ahead with this paper swap as the scan quality from recycled paper, and photocopies of forms, is poorer and can lead to issues with legal admissibility."

First, we are still using paper and casenotes, there are not routinely scanned/uploaded.

Secondly, I am sure that I have worked in other hospitals that have used recycled paper suggesting it is a local decision or local interpretation of guidance.

Has anyone made a switch or have information I can use to support this request?  

Comments (3)

Genevieve Southgate
Genevieve Southgate

I previously worked in Salisbury we had recycled paper for most of our proformas including admissions paperwork, and this was always fine when scanned for transfers etc. Currently in Southampton and am trying to find out more on this so will update when I hear anything.

Collette Germon
Collette Germon

In Green Plan Support Tool there is a question regarding using recycled copy paper. Benchmarks could be improved as doesn't indicate how much of the paper has to be recycled e.g. 5% or 95% of the packet purchased. While recycled is good using FSC paper is excellent in combination. So there is a benchmark for all trusts to work towards albeit needs some refining to improve targets against a benchmark/time period.

Trevor Mose
Trevor Mose

We're trying to roll this out now. Ensuring that recycled options are in the purchasing catalogue is a good place to start. We are having to overcome challenges from IT about the fear of it damaging printers and also finding a decent supplier who will not charge a premium. Start small and then scale up. Our goal is for all paper for print and copy machines to run on it.

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