

Tony Smith
Tony Smith • 1 March 2024

I attended a course on sustainability in dentistry. While there are minor gains in the reduction of nitrous oxide, and understanding why plastic toothbrushes are more sustainable than Bamboo ones, the biggest gain would be through reducing the CO2 emissions by reducing the number of visits to the dentist.

I can't find any research on teledentisty, and I was advised to try to do it myself. Does anyone have any experience in this field? Any resources I could use? Or want to help?

This was part of the content of my feedback, as dentistry should be included in what should be an integrated health service. The dental team could all be health Advocates.


On  one of your first slides in Sutainablilty it mentioned


1. Prevention

2. Self Care

3. Lean Service delivery

4. Low carbon alternatives


Please look at the current dental App available via . 


As well as delivering prevention, it can improve screening for  cancer.

Dentists could, and should be advocates for health, when they see us face to face or remotely.

Help me, help you as I need to trial teledentistry as I have discussed with TELEDENTIX.

We should provide a similar service for free.


1. Prevention- look in MY CARE in the App

2. Self Care- look up scoring in MY TEETH in the App

3. Lean Service delivery - Look up Agile  development  pathway here.

4. Low carbon alternatives- I need your help as outlined here.



Comments (3)

Tushar Sharma
Tushar Sharma

I am working on Life Cycle Assessments of clinical pathways. I have seen some data around emissions linked to root canal procedure and dental extraction. I would love to help.

Tony Smith
Tony Smith

The life cycle assessments of clinical pathways seem relevant, as we are hoping to use more digital data to help reduce dental visits. I've made a website that is best viewed via your mobile, with the App which will be upgraded to include a portal for teledentistry,, and the teeth4life YouTube channel has about eight videos on teledentisty. Please have a look, and let's see if we have common ground.

Sivan  Coleman
Sivan Coleman

I'm sorry if this is not directly relevant but it may be worth factoring into any outcomes the social aspect in relation to access for those who are housebound. I work in a hospital setting (I'm not a dentist) and it is shocking the amount of people with poor oral hygiene who report not being able to access dentists due to this.

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