Make healthcare more sustainable with this innovative carbon footprint calculator! Drawing on data from the Sustainable Healthcare Coalition's Care Pathways, it estimates the carbon emissions (kgCO2e) associated with various healthcare services. By breaking down emissions from different activities, it reveals where you can make the most significant impact in reducing your carbon footprint: Home page - Care Pathway Calculator
The Care Pathway Carbon Calculator should be used by anyone interested in understanding the sustainability of health and care systems, including:
- Patients wanting to understand the sustainability issues regarding their health and care;
- Policy makers and regulators considering sustainability profiles when developing new models of care;
- Healthcare providers, commissioners and clinicians trying to understand where changes in operations can lead to an improved sustainability performance of a service;
- Suppliers who want to understand how their products or services benefit or impact the sustainability of health and care systems;
- Sustainability practitioners working to define the boundaries, data sources and requirements to consistently appraise healthcare services;
- Academics exploring the sustainability issues associated with healthcare systems.
The calculator is now also on our Nursing Network step-by-step idea guide to integrate sustainability in your practice Nursing for the Planet - Nursing Sustainability Network- Centre for Sustainable Healthcare
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