
Typical carbon intensity of low-intensity NHS ward setting?

Gerry Lowe
Gerry Lowe • 16 March 2023

With apologies if this is already in the content and I've missed it...

I am looking for a typical figure for low-intensity NHS ward carbon intensity (kg-CO2e/inpatient-day).

The background is that I'm part of a UK-wide group of brachytherapy centres doing an audit of the typical carbon footprint of some typical brachy procedures. It is hard to get specific data from the wards we use, but our ward requirements are very generic and an estimate would probably be adequate for our needs.

I've found data from the SDU back in 2015 which published an example of a ward assessment, not really as a "typical" dataset but as an example of how to derive a figure, and I could adapt that. But other than that, I'm really struggling to find good data on typical NHS or UK ward footprint... can anyone point me in the right direction, please?

Many thanks





Comments (2)

Becca Elson
Becca Elson

Hi Gerry,

Rosie posted these resources including ones from the SDU a few months ago, not sure if they might have what you need:…

I haven't actually used this resource myself but the Sustainable Healthcare Coalition have a care pathway carbon calculator that might be useful:

I hope these might be helpful, I'm afraid I don't know of any more specific resources!

Gerry Lowe
Gerry Lowe

Thank you Becca - it seems that the SDU 2015 data (in your first link) are still well-regarded, although they are examples, and don't claim to be typical or mean values. The shcpathways link I was unaware of - thank you, I will look into this!


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