
Virtual wards

Melissa  Pegg
Melissa Pegg • 30 April 2024

Dear colleagues,

Has anyone done any work on virtual wards and environmental sustainability/impact? Or know of any grey lit/case studies on virtual wards?

Many thanks in anticipation of your help

Kind regards


Comments (4)

Sian Pearson
Sian Pearson


Attached is an article from the clinical medicine journal that I found recently from 2023. It's an interesting scenario in which a liaison Geriatrician is required to continue doing ward rounds within a trauma centre, whilst needing to shield because of covid. Information on patient experience of in-patient remote clinical work is quite sparse, so thought this would be useful, as well as giving the specific point of view of the older patients.

Hope this helps,
(and I hope the attachment works, because this is my first time posting on one of the networks)

Sian :)

Melissa  Pegg
Melissa Pegg

Thank you very much indeed Lili! Much appreciated and congratulations on your publication. This is fantastic! I would love to take you up on organising a chat! I will be in touch in due course. Kind regards, Mel

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