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Showing 121 - 130 of 144 results

National health organisations make their commitments to sustainable development

Created on
30 Jan 2017
Ingeborg Steinbach
The Department of Health and eight major health organisations have stated their organisational commitments to deliver a socially and environmentally sustainable health and care system. The…

Words of advice for President Trump

Created on
23 Jan 2017
Frances Mortimer
Bravo to Nick Hopkinson and co-authors of this letter on "Climate Change and Lung Health: the challenge for a new president" published in Thorax last…

Carbon footprint of GSK inhalers

Created on
11 Jan 2017
Alexander Wilkinson
This isn't widely available but GSK have given it to me so I'm sharing it. It shows the carbon-trust-certified carbon footprint of their inhalers. Headline figures are: 30 days of seretide 250…

Choosing Wisely

Created on
8 Nov 2016
Admin *
On the 24th October 2016 the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges brought out a report called Choosing Wisely . It was inspired by a world-wide initiative to encourage greater communication between…

Air quality ruling

Created on
3 Nov 2016
Admin *
This week the High Court found the government's action on air quality to be inadequate. In the second successful case against the government in two years brought by the legal charity Client Earth, the…

Breathing the fresh air of co-benefits

Created on
20 Oct 2016
Admin *
Recently it feels like air pollution's spread beyond the concern of those who care about public health to become a more mainstream issue. It's getting a lot of press, what with the good work of…

Air quality posing a 'very high risk' to health at the Fort McMurray wildfire

Created on
15 May 2016
Admin *
Is Alberta another very sobering 'right now' example of climate change affecting health? See the Canadian Government's assessment of the air quality at Fort McMurray:…

UK health services unprepared for climate change, warns major new health alliance

Created on
30 Mar 2016
Frances Mortimer
UK health services are currently unprepared for the risks posed by climate change, warns a major newhealth alliancelaunching today. In an unprecedented move, the heads of the UK’s leading health…

Health sector hits first target in combating climate change - SDU report

Created on
28 Jan 2016
Frances Mortimer
The health sector is over the first hurdle in the race to reach carbon reduction targets and help limit the effects of climate change. A report from the Sustainable Development Unit shows the NHS…

Breathlessness, physical activity and sustainability of healthcare - letter

Created on
3 Dec 2015
Frances Mortimer
Only just came across this letter by Nick Hopkinson and colleague to the European Respiratory Journal last January, highlighting the importance of paying attention tobreathlessness in midlife - both…