Dear Colleagues,
May I kindly ask if anyone knows if industry suppliers can/have participated in the CSH green- healthcare wards/team competitions to help support the research (and not in terms…
Final reminder for Reducing Plastics in Healthcare, on Thursday 7th September at midday.
We'll have a presentation from Healthcare Without Harm on their report and progress in this area, followed…
Dear Colleagues,
The RoyalSocietyofChemistry are keen to ensure that we are playing our part in helping laboratories to be more sustainable. To achieve this,…
A chance to chat with other interested podiatrists about sustainability in podiatry practice and in general. Please come and link up with like minded colleagues
Thu, 28 Sep 2023 19:00 - 20:00,…
The Green Healthcare Leadership Programme, co-developed and delivered by the Florence Nightingale Foundation (FNF) and Nuffield Health, and supported by NHS England, is now accepting…
Hi all,
I am analysing NHS procurement data for harmonic scalpels/shears for a sustainability project and am finding a large uptick in demand in 2022/23 compared to previous years. Would be keen to…
The Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) fellowship scheme has collaborated with the NHS England CAHPO office to create a new part-time fellowship for an AHP, specifically focused on…
Dear all,
We would be grateful if you could complete this survey looking at sustainability in operating theatres. We welcome responses from anyone who works in OTs – nurses, anaesthetists, ODPs and…
Hi, I'm Alison and a GP in Dundee.
We are reviewing our IT use and I am struggling to find information on the environmental impact of various IT solutions eg
Are teams messages better than…