Delivering a poster and oral presentation on development of the e-learning module "An introduction to sustainable dentistry and measuring carbon in healthcare" generated interest from the wider…
This week NHS England escalated their heatwave warning from a level two to a three. Seems like a good time to flag up the resources that I’m aware of that exist to support NHS staff in planning for…
Divya and I are happy to announce our interview on Sustainable dental practice has been published in the latest issue of BDJ In Practice!
The interview feature can be found electronically by…
A paper published in the BDJ, exploring knowledge and attitudes to sustainability amongst the dental team offers an interesting read and insight into staff behaviour with regards to "reduce, reuse and…
Eurostat data published online and also discussed in the Lancet sets a staggering prevention challenge for us. One million of the 1.7 million deaths that occured in the under 75s in 2013 might have…
The Health Foundation, an independent charity committed to bringing about better health and health care for people in the UK, has £1.5 million available for up to 20 teams to test and develop…
UK health services are currently unprepared for the risks posed by climate change, warns a major newhealth alliancelaunching today. In an unprecedented move, the heads of the UK’s leading health…
The final ratification of the Minamata Convention on Mercury has beenagreedconfirmingthat individual nations can work gradually to scale down the use of amalgam.The Convention is aninternational…
The health sector is over the first hurdle in the race to reach carbon reduction targets and help limit the effects of climate change.
A report from the Sustainable Development Unit shows the NHS…