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Showing 221 - 230 of 529 results

Healthcare’s response to the climate emergency: what would Greta say?

Created on
4 Mar 2020
Admin *
“Dad, are we really going to see Greta today?” my 11 year old daughter Poppy asked me on the train up to Bristol. This was shortly followed by “Look—all those fields are flooded!” Following the…

Global challenges in health and health care for nurses and midwives everywhere

Created on
1 Mar 2020
Stefi Barna
"The next decade is likely to produce any number of global challenges that will affect health and health care. .... The future resilience of healthcare services will depend on having sufficient…

Medact 2020 conference

Created on
28 Feb 2020
Margaret Jackson
Have a look at this conference! It will be a great opportunity for progressive people working in health care to learn and network.

RCGP Faculty work

Created on
25 Feb 2020
James Szymankiewicz
Huge amount of energy and enthusiasm at SustainainabilitySchool today.Real oppourtunity to use our collective voice to work with our local RCGP faculties on these critical Planetary Health…

Advising on air pollution - a workshop with Prof Stephen Holgate

Created on
24 Feb 2020
Laurence Bourton
Want to help protect your patients from air pollution, but don't know where to start? This Thursday morning (in London), the UK Health Alliance on Climate Change and Global Action Plan (the people…

Guidance on inhalers

Created on
14 Feb 2020
James Szymankiewicz
We worked with our local formulary teams in Devon to produce this guidance on carbon footprint of inhalers and how to make choices that reduce environmental…

SusQI, motion to BMA

Created on
13 Feb 2020
Sarah Walpole
I've just submitted this motion to our Junior Doctors Committee, to see if we can get some BMA support for Sustainability in Quality Improvement... "That this conference recognises the role of…

Plastics in Healthcare: Time for a re-evaluation

Created on
7 Feb 2020
Chantelle Rizan
Check out our article examining plastics in healthcare published today in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine- we found101 pieces single use plastic used in a single operation and…

Upcoming webinars on sustainable nursing

Created on
28 Jan 2020
Stefi Barna
Three upcoming webinars on the Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education website: "Nursing in a Changing Climate: A Call to Action," February 4, 2020 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST. Sigma…