A research article published on 13 September 2023 by Richardson et al. state Earth is beyond six of the nine planetary boundaries, read the abstract below and link to full article.
"This planetary…
This Science & Nutrition podcast by Zoe is an easy & informative listen.
It features an interview withSarah Bridle. She is a professor…
Hi there, does anyone have a process in place for donating unusable/out of date medical supplies (gloves, masks, aprons, hand sanitiser, unbranded uniforms) to charities who distribute them to war…
The latest Good Medical Practicedraft guidance from the General Medical Council has recently been published and will come into full effect on 30 January 2024. Check out the full guide here:Draft Good…
Spaces left on our September Carbon Footprinting for Healthcare course!
This is a carbon literacy course for health professionals, quality improvement leads, healthcare administrators,…
Quality Prescribing for Respiratory in Scotland consultation document including sustainability…
Dear Colleagues,
May I kindly ask if anyone knows if industry suppliers can/have participated in the CSH green- healthcare wards/team competitions to help support the research (and not in terms…
Final reminder for Reducing Plastics in Healthcare, on Thursday 7th September at midday.
We'll have a presentation from Healthcare Without Harm on their report and progress in this area, followed…
Is anyone currently running a Pharmacy Green Bag scheme where patients' discharge meds get put in a green bag for them to use to bring meds in on future admissions? Where do you source the green bags…
Dear Colleagues,
The RoyalSocietyofChemistry are keen to ensure that we are playing our part in helping laboratories to be more sustainable. To achieve this,…