Greener Practice have secured funding to develop a clinically focused net zero platform to help busy primary care clinicians make changes which are better for patients and the planet!
This project…
Hi everyone
I'm doing a bit of fact finding on disposal of HRT products.
The UK patient information leaflets forHRT patchesstate the following:
Peel an edge of the patch smoothly away from…
A Value-Based Health Care project with patients covered by Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board and Bridgend Local Authority is looking to trial a medication device and associated wraparound care…
The Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union (PGEU) is the association representing community pharmacists in 32 European countries.PGEU calls for a number of coordinated actions that should be taken…
Hi all, we are looking to reduce prescriptions of omeprazole suspension (powder for suspension) in paediatric inpatients (+/- outpatients) in Newcastle - major cost savings, but also likely…
The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare has proposed a project idea for the Health Foundation-funded Q exchange
Our project is focused on the…
Hi everyone,
I used to be a dentist who's now working as a Business Support Manager at a non-profit (weird, I know lolz).
We are currently running a Green Business Programmefunded by the UK…
The evaluation of iSIMPATHY, a Scottish Government led EU funded cross border project supporting people taking multiple medicines has been released.
The report highlights how the project improved…
See below link- consultation on future of Quality Outcomes Frameworks and Impact and Investment Fund that can have a very significant impact on GP/PCN funding. Open till 7th March. One question stem…