Medact seeks to recruit a bright, confident and committed professional with an interest in public health, nutrition and climate change. This is a two year position to manage and implement a…
Over the next 8 months, the SHE Network is running a free programme to support six "beacon" medical schools to develop and implement teaching and learning related to the Education for Sustainable…
This financial year has resulted in a range of dental services being re-procured across the country but it’s debatable how much the procurement teams understand about sustainable dentistry and…
I was reminded today by a colleague of the "People and Planet" top university score which can be foundhere. The press release states that "Over the last 5 years, Plymouth have set the bar as the…
Welcome to Dental Susnet - Thanks for checking in! We believethis is the first sustainability network within dentistry,certainly in the UK, but we would love to hear from other networks too! This…
Welcome to Dental Susnet- Thanks for checking in! We believethis is the first Sustainability network within dentistrycertainly in the UK but we would love to hear from other networks too!This network…
Delivering better oral health suggests that for all adults and children we should "maintain good dietary practices in line with The Balance of Good Health." This is another example which demonstrates…
The GMC has updated the online version of Tomorrow's Doctors to include a link to the priority learning outcomes for sustainable healthcare, which were developed by the SHE Network through a national…
Science and technology must urgently be deployed to help reverse negative health trends, linked to nutrition and environment, according to a report commissioned by the Wellcome Trust, and launched…
AMEE Medical Education Study Fellowship Award
AMEE invites applications for a new AMEE Medical Education Study Fellowship Award. The aim is to promote excellence in the field of health professions…