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Showing 401 - 410 of 451 results

Any research comparing the carbon footprint of tablet and liquid medication?

Created on
6 Dec 2021
Rosie Hillson
Hi All, Does anyone know of any research/studies that have looked at how the carbon footprint of tablet medication compares with the carbon footprint of liquid medication? Many…

RCPCH event - feedback

Created on
3 Dec 2021
Clare Webster
Keen to hear from members who attended the recent RCPCH event -The impact of climate change on child health at home and abroad: COP26 and beyond If you would share your learning here that would be…

Sustainability research

Created on
26 Nov 2021
Clare Webster
Really keen to hear about the sustainability research within paediatrics going on out there. Where does PPE have a key role in infection control and where does handwashing suffice? How does the…

National NHS Estates Team visit Green NHS Projects on Estates and Facilities Spotlight Day

Created on
23 Nov 2021
Jacqueline Cutting
On Monday 22 November for theGreenerNHS Estates and Facilities Spotlight Day, key staff from the National NHS Estates Team visited a number of projects showcasing Green NHS ideas. These…

Podcast- Why a new focus on sustainability in health care is urgently needed?

Created on
19 Nov 2021
Sivakami Chelladurai
This podcast at BMJ Talk Medicine is from a series of podcasts produced by Cochrane sustainable Healthcare featuring the ideas of people who are actively working to windback harmful medical…

Widely adopted pre-eclampsia test has additional environmental benefits

Created on
16 Nov 2021
Jacqueline Cutting
Summary Routine use of a blood test to rule out pre-eclampsia which is keeping thousands of pregnant women safe and out of hospital, as well as reducing NHS costs, has carbon reduction…

Planetary Healthcare Journal club

Created on
12 Nov 2021
Elena Bax
Hi all, Please join us for the fifth meeting of our monthly Planetary Healthcare Journal Club onWednesday, November 17th,at 17:00-18:00 GMT. This month will be discussing the article "Health…


Created on
11 Nov 2021
Vivien De Greef
Over the last one and a half weeks, CSH has been attendingthe COP26 negotiations as an official observer.To increase transparency throughout the summit, our team has been publishingdaily recap blogs…

The global and regional costs of healthy and sustainable dietary patterns: a modelling study

Created on
28 Oct 2021
Rosie Hillson
This article was released open access online recently: Springmann, M., Clark M., Rayner M., Scarborough P. andWebb P.(2021) The global and regional cost of healthy and sustainable dietary patterns:…

Hospital Foodservice waste audit tool

Created on
26 Oct 2021
Nathan Cook
Hi, myname is Nathan Cook and I am a PhD candidate at Monash University in Australia investigating food waste in the hospital foodservice setting. I have provided the link to my newresearchand…